8.1. Main prompt commands
8.1.2. exit
Exit from the CLI. This is the same as terminating the input stream, e.g.
with ctrl-D.
8.1.3. show configuration
show configuration
Display the active configuration text file.
8.1.4. show containers
show containers [tree tree-name [container container-name
Display information about all the containers, the containers of a tree, or a
particular container
- ID: an internal numeric ID used by the system
- NAME: the container’s name
- PARENT: The parent container in the tree. Each tree should have one,
and only one, container with empty parent.
- X, Y: position of the container when drawn in its parent
- ZINDEX: stack position of the container when drawn in its parent
- SZ: relative size of the container when drawn in its parent
- DESCRIPTION: A human-readable description
When displaying a single container the keyword details will display
fields on multiple lines, without any truncation, and will display contained
8.1.5. show icons
show icons [icon-name]
Display information about all icons, or a particular icon
- ID: an internal numeric ID used by the system
- NAME: the icon’s name. Reserved icons have names: node, container,
site, iface
- FNAME: base name of the file used when rendering this icon
- SUBST: thr RGB color to substitute with a color expressing the status
(red, green, etc.)
- DESCRIPTION: A human-readable description
8.1.6. show interfaces
show interfaces [node node-name [interface-name
Display information about all the interfaces, the interfaces of a node, or a
particular interface.
The meaning of the information fields displayed is as follows:
- ID: an internal numeric ID used by the system
- NAME: the interface’s name
- INSTANCE: instance string which, together with xform, identifies this
- XFORM: a string representing the algorithm used to find out the
ifIndex, given the instance string
- T: number of targets associated with this interface
- M: number of measures associated with this interface
- CONNECTS: the interface connected to this one (node and interface
- DESCRIPTION: A human-readable description for this interface
When displaying a single interface the keyword details will display
fields on multiple lines, without any truncation.
8.1.7. show nodes
show nodes [node-name]
Show information about all nodes or, if a node name is given, about a
particular node.
The meaning of the information fields displayed is as follows:
- ID: an internal numeric ID used by the system
- NAME: the node’s name, used to lookup its IPv4 address
- IPV6: the name used to lookup the IPv6 address (AAAA record)
- ICON: name of the icon used to draw the node in the web interface
- T: number of targets associated with this node
- M: number of measures associated with this node
- I: number of interfaces
- DESCRIPTION: A human-readable description for this node
8.1.8. show site
show site
Display information about the site.
- NAME: The name of the site
- DESCR: a human-readable description
- INIL TIME: the last time an icon, node, interface or link was
- FOREST TIME: the last time a tree or container was modified
- HTML DETAILS: Details shown in the site details pane of the web
- CLI BANNER: CLI login message
8.1.9. show trees
show trees [tree-name] [orphaned-nodes]
Display information about the trees or a particular tree.
- ID: an internal numeric ID used by the system
- NAME: the tree’s name. geo is a reserved name.
- SORT: An integer number used to sort the tree among the others, in
the web interface
- ALLNODES?: if 1, all nodes will be shown in this tree, the root will
contain nodes not otherwise associated
- DESCRIPTION: A human-readable description
With the orphaned-nodes keyword, display the list of nodes which are not
within a container in this tree.
8.2. Configuration commands
8.2.1. exit
Exit configuration mode. Current configuration is automatically saved.
8.2.2. icon
icon name
Enters icon configuration mode
no icon name name-confirmation
Deletes an icon and all associated configuration. Nodes and containers using
this icon will be set to use the default icon. The same will happen if the
icon is used to represent the site.
8.2.3. link
link *node-name* *interface-name* *node-name* *interface-name*
Link two interfaces
no link *node-name* *interface-name* *node-name* *interface-name*
Delete previously created link
8.2.4. node
node node-name
Enters node configuration mode, creating the node if it does not exists.
no node node-name node-name-confirmation
Deletes a node and all its interfaces.
8.2.5. rename
rename container tree-name old-name new-name
rename icon old-name new-name
rename interface node-name old-name new-name
rename node old-name new-name
rename tree old-name new-name
Rename an object, keeping all other information and subobjects intact.
You cannot rename a reserved tree or a reserved icon. You cannot move a
container to another tree, nor move an interface to another node.
8.2.6. show
show commands available in the main prompt are available also in this
8.2.7. site
site description description line
An human-readable description for the site. The description can be multiple
words, on the same line of the command.
site banner
multiline banner text
multiline banner text
The CLI banner for the site (max 255 chars). Enter a dot on a line by itself
to terminate input. If the line you want to input begins with a dot, double
the initial dot.
site details
multiline HTML details
multiline HTML details
The HTML details shown in the site details pane of the web interface (max 255
chars). Enter a dot on a line by itself to terminate input. If the line you
want to input begins with a dot, double the initial dot.
site name name
The site name.
site icon icon-name
The name of the icon used to represent the site in the web interface.
8.2.8. tree
tree geo**|*tree-name* [**delete**|**rename new-tree-name]
Enter tree configuration mode, creating the tree if it doesn’t exist.
no tree tree-name
Delete a previously created tree and all the containers within. Tree geo
cannot be deleted.
8.3. Container configuration commands
8.3.1. adopt-orhpaned-nodes
Adopt, i.e. associate to this container, all the nodes that are not
associated with a container for this tree.
8.3.2. description
description text ...
Sets the description for this container.
8.3.3. icon
icon icon-name
Sets the icon used to draw the container in the web interface.
8.3.4. parent
parent container-name
Sets the parent for the container. Each tree must have on, and only one,
container without parent.
8.3.5. show
show commands available in the main prompt are available also in this
8.3.6. rectangle
rectangle relative-x relative-y z-index relative-size
Sets drawing information for the rectangle used to represent this container
in its parent. If missing, a drawing algorithm is used.
- relative-x: horizontal position of centre, fractional, 0 is left
and 1 is right
- relative-y: vertical position of centre, fractional, 0 is down and
1 is up
- z-index: stacking order, non-negative integer, 0 is default,
greater covers smaller
- relative-size: size, fractional, 0 - 1
8.7. Tree configuration commands
8.7.1. container
container container-name
Enters container configration mode, creating the container if it does not
no container container-name container-name-confirmation
Delete a container. With recursive, delete also containers for which this
is the parent, grand-parent, etc, recursively. Without recursive, a
container with containers in it will not be deleted. Nodes in the deleted
container will be disassociated.
8.7.2. description
8.7.3. display-all-nodes
8.7.4. display-order
8.7.5. show
show commands available in the main prompt are available also in this