1. Introduction

Security Architecture NETwork (SANET) is a Network Management System oriented to networking support and 24/7/365 availability.

SANET is a web application and its main features are:

  • Total control on each parameter for monitoring targets and tolerance limits before sending alerts
  • Interactive network topology maps configured by links and objects position
  • Network elements categorization by arbitrary views
  • Graphical representation of timeline values retrieved on various time scales
  • Command Line Interface for system configuration
  • XML-RPC to get network monitoring results and integrate them in external applications

SANET is designed for two different and coexisting kinds of user:

  • End user: is the very final user who just needs to see the networking status (what’s going wrong ?)
  • Network operator: is a netwok administrator who knows what has to be configured in the network management system for the specific network

SANET has been developed by Laboratori Guglielmo Marconi S.p.A. (that can be contact at: nad@labs.it). who published it with AGPLv3 license in order to make the code available to the whole Open Source community.

1.1. Goals

  • Extreme configurability of networking target parameters and tolerance limits for alerts
  • Easy web interface to let the end-user get a fast overview of network status and interact with the networking operator

It is important to stress out that the SANET web interface is meant as a tool to easily view the state of the network, not as a configuration tool, hence while specific configuration tools will be provided, configurability through the web interface is not among the main goals meant to be achieved.

1.2. Main features

Compared to other NMS systems, SANET has some distinctive features:

  • Charts: both actual status’ charts, timespan charts, and aggregated data charts (per resource or per container) are present.
  • Reports: it is possible to define reports aggregating and visualizing statistical data across customizable time slices and set of resources.
  • Logical grouping: nodes can be grouped into containers, defining a forest-like structure.
  • Agent: SANET checks are based on SNMP and simple basic network operations (i.e. ping), hence no specific agent is needed.
  • SNMP: Most of the checks are performed through SNMP. Libraries for the main vendors MIBs are also provided.
  • Syslog support
  • External scripts: can be used to defined checks, or to reacto to failed checks
  • Plugins: It it possible to define new checks (and customize the ones present in library)
  • Triggers / Alerts: it is possible to parametrize library checks or to define new checks, each of which has an associated (and customizable) alert message (that might be sent vi email or SMS)
  • WebApp: SANET provides a web interface for visaulization purposes (while configuration is performed through command line interface)
  • Data Storage Method: RRDTool + PostgreSQL
  • License: AGPL3
  • Maps: SANET provides automatically generated browsable and customizable network maps showing network topology and the present resources’ state
  • Authentication: With user accounts defined in the configuration, or via LDAP, RADIUS, etc.
  • Authorization: User groups can be given r/w, r/o or no access to sets of nodes
  • Written in: Python (Django), Network maps component written in Adobe Flex Action script.
  • User Tracking: Web interface navigation is stateful hence most visualization settings are tracked.

Table Of Contents

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SANET User Manual

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2. Installation and configuration

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