3.1. Part 1: Monitoring your first node

So ... you have succeeded installing your first SANET :)

Now... let’s try to bring it into life, and let it monitor your first node (that could be any host in your network).

Export the environment variable SANET_HOME pointing to the directory where SANET is installed (this is the directory containing the manage.py file. By default it is /usr/local/sanet):

$ export SANET_HOME=/my/path/to/sanet

Import the definition of the GNU/Linux server category:

$ bin/sanet-cli < share/contrib/category-server-linux

For this use case we chose localhost because ... there’s no place like localhost !

We suggest you to have an SNMP agent up and running and answering to requests for a specific community (say public) originated by localhost, after that you can finally configure SANET to monitor your node:

  • Choose the appropriate number of threads for your installation (default is 10)

  • Execute bin/sanet-cli and paste the following configuration::

    conf term
    site threads 4
    node-category server-linux
     target reach-server
     target rootfs category storageperc
      parameter storage_descr "root fs"
      parameter storage_re ^/$
     measure rootfs-graph category storage
      parameter storage_descr "root fs"
      parameter storage_re ^/$
     target cpuperc-hr
     measure cpu-hr
     target reboot-hr
     target ramperc-ucd
     measure ram-ucd
     measure swap-ucd
     target swapperc-ucd
     target loadavg category loadavg-threshold-ucd
     measure loadavg-graph category loadavg-ucd
     target nonidle-ucd
     measure nonidle-graph-ucd
    node localhost
     category server-linux
     icon host
  • Start the Poller process by executing etc/rc.sanet start. Take a look at var/poller_log to make sure there are no problems...

  • Start the Web User Interface with etc/rc.sanet web.

  • Point your browser to http://<yourhostname>:7777/sanet/ and enjoy your first SANET installation !

3.1.1. Bonus section: deploy your installation with Apache

  • Install Apache server version 2.x
  • Check that your Apache server is up and running
  • Get your SANET Apache configuration with etc/rc.sanet deploy apache. You’ll get the configuration fragment ready to be put in your apache.conf along with some symlinks that you need to put in your DocumentRoot.
  • Restart your Apache server with apachectl restart.
  • Point your browser to http://<yourhostname>/sanet/

Once you have suceeded setting up basic monitoring, go on to Part 2: Configuring checks in your first GNU/Linux node to learn how to setup and customize new checks and notifications.

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3. Getting started

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3.2. Part 2: Configuring checks in your first GNU/Linux node

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