3.2. Part 2: Configuring checks in your first GNU/Linux node

In Part 1: Monitoring your first node a simple linux node with basic checks has been set up, now more checks will be defined and customized.

The operations to performa re the following:

  • Execute the CLI in interactive mode to define a GNU/Linux node to monitor and launch the monitoring activity.
$ bin/sanet-cli

Welcome to SANET

sanet# con t
sanet(config)# node localhost
Creating node localhost
Notice: sync localhost
sanet(config-node)# category server-linux
Warning: dependson  not resolvable for localhost::server-linux:cpuperc-hr
Warning: dependson  not resolvable for localhost::server-linux:loadavg
Warning: dependson  not resolvable for localhost::server-linux:nonidle-ucd
Warning: dependson  not resolvable for localhost::server-linux:ramperc-ucd
sanet(config-node)# icon host
Notice: sync localhost

Notice: sync localhost

sanet(config)# exit
sanet# exit

$ sudo SANET_HOME=$SANET_HOME etc/rc.sanet start
  • Launch the developement web server (NOT to be used on deployed installations!) and check that everything is working fine by opening the URL printed in output with your browser:
$ etc/rc.sanet web
Validating models...
0 errors found

Django version 1.0.2 final SVN-2223, using settings 'sanet.settings'
Development server is running at http://scoppola:7777/
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

3.2.1. Adding targets and measures to node

  • Define checks parameters and aassociate them to the node using the CLI:
sanet(config)# node localhost
sanet(config-node)# target gora category storageperc
Creating target gora of target-category storageperc in node localhost
sanet(config-node-target)# parameter storage_descr "Spazio di disponibile per archiviare i backup"
sanet(config-node-target)# parameter storage_re ^/mnt/gora$
sanet(config-node)# measure gora category storage
gora already exists in localhost but is a target
sanet(config-node)# measure gora-graph category storage
Creating measure gora-graph of measure-category storage in node localhost
sanet(config-node-measure)# parameter storage_descr "Spazio di disponibile per archiviare i backup"
sanet(config-node-measure)# parameter storage_re ^/mnt/gora$
Notice: sync localhost
  • Add the node www.labs.it to the present installation:
sanet# conf t
sanet(config)# node www.labs.it
Creating node www.labs.it
Notice: sync www.labs.it
sanet(config-node)# category node-reach
Notice: sync www.labs.it
  • Let’s have a look at the available target categories, looking for something we might use.
sanet(config-node)# sh categories target-categories
NAME                                ID     KIND    SOURCE  DESCRIPTION
----------------------------------- ------ ------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
adjacent                                 1 target  library Check that the linked interface is really connected to this
cpuperc-hr                               2 target  library CPU occupation (1 min average) threshold, via hrProcessorLoad, absent from old net-snmp agents
fullduplex                               3 target  library Full duplex check for an ethernet interface
iferrs                                   4 target  library Interface errors threshold
loadavg-threshold-ucd                    5 target  library Load average threshold, 5 min average, as reported by net-snmp via ucd-mib
nonidle-ucd                              6 target  library CPU nonidle percentage threshold, with ucd mib for Linux. Percentage can be >100 for more CPUs.
operstatus                               7 target  library Interface ifOperStatus, usually OK when the LED on the panel is green
proc-hr                                  8 target  library Presence of a process in the table, with hrmib
ramperc-netsnmp                         18 target  library RAM usage threshold, for nodes with net-snmp
ramperc-ucd                              9 target  library RAM usage threshold for Linux with net-snmp via ucdmb
ramperc-ucd-nobc                        10 target  library RAM usage threshold with net-snmp via ucdmib, no buffers and cached, for non-Linux
ramperc-windows                         19 target  library RAM usage threshold, for Windows nodes
reach                                   11 target  library This is the standard ICMP reachability check
reach6                                  14 target  library ICMP IPv6 reachability
reach-crit                              12 target  library ICMP reachability check for critical devices
reach-server                            13 target  library ICMP reachability check for servers
reboot                                  15 target  library Check for reboots, by verifying that sysUptime goes upwards. Compensate for sysUptime wraparounds.
reboot-hr                               16 target  library Check for server reboots, by verifying that hrSystemUptime goes upwards. Compensate for wraparounds.
storageperc                             17 target  library HR storage occupation threshold, percent
swapperc-netsnmp                        20 target  library SWAP usage threshold, for nodes with net-snmp
swapperc-ucd                            22 target  library SWAP usage threshold for Linux with net-snmp via ucdmb
tcpport                                 23 target  library TCP port reachability
url-positivematch                       24 target  library URL content matches urlregex, target UP if matches
vmemperc-windows                        21 target  library Virtual memory (ram+swap)  usage threshold, for windows nodes

sanet(config-node)# sh categories target-categories tcpport
NAME            : tcpport
ID              : 23
KIND            : target: Verify a true or false condition
SOURCE          : library: Defined in the library that comes with the program
DESCRIPTION     : TCP port reachability
PARENT          :
USED_PARAMETERS : deleted, dependson, descr, minperiod, shorttries, suspended, times, title, email, expr, flap_damp_limit, flap_half_life, flap_penalty, flap_undamp_limit, maxtries, msg_downbody, msg_downlog, msg_downsubj, msg_faillog, msg_upbody, msg_uplog, msg_upsubj, primary, uncheckable_fallback, upemail, port

expr: isTcpOpen($node,$port)
maxtries: 1
minperiod: 600
msg_downbody: (%N %T down)

La porta TCP $tcpport di $node non e' piu' disponibile.

(%m, tries %n)
msg_downsubj: %T down: porta $tcpport non disponibile su $node
msg_upbody: (%N %T up)

La porta TCP $tcpport di $node e' di nuovo disponibile.

msg_upsubj: %T up: porta $tcpport di nuovo disponibile su $node
shorttries: 5
title: Raggiungibilita' porta TCP $tcpport
  • Change the email address used for sending notifications of DOWN and UP state changes for the TCP port 80 reachability check
sanet(config-node)# target tcpport
Creating target tcpport of target-category tcpport in node www.labs.it
sanet(config-node-target)# parameter tcpport 80
Notice: sync www.labs.it
Notice: sync www.labs.it
sanet(config)# sh targets node www.labs.it
PATH                                 ID     NODE        IFACE DS STATUS   LASTDONE
------------------------------------ ------ ----------- ----- -- ------ ----------
www.labs.it::node-reach:reach-server     37 www.labs.it              UP 1242393940
www.labs.it:::tcpport                    38 www.labs.it              UU          0

sanet(config)# node www.labs.it
sanet(config-node)# target tcpport
sanet(config-node-target)# sh targets path www.labs.it:::tcpport
PATH                : www.labs.it:::tcpport
ID                  : 38
DESCRIPTION         : TCP port reachability
LASTDONE            : 2009-05-15 15:27:40
LASTCONFIG          : 2009-05-15 15:25:34
MINPERIOD           : 600
DELETED             : False
DEPENDSON           : Raggiungibilita' ICMP (www.labs.it::node-reach:reach-server)
TIMES               : all
SHORTTRIES          : 5
THREAD              : 2
SUSPENDED           : False
SUSPEND_TIME        : 0
NODED               : www.labs.it
IFACE               : None
CATEGORY            : tcpport
EXPR                : isTcpOpen($node,port)
STATUS              : UP
STATUSLAST          : UU
VERBSTATUS          : up: isTcpOpen(www.labs.it,80): OK, connected to port 80,isTcpOpen($node,$port) expands to True
LASTCHANGE          : 2009-05-15 15:27:41
PRIMARY             : False
PENALTY             : 0
DAMPENED            : False
EMAIL               : netwarning
UPEMAIL             :

sanet(config-node-target)# email fero@pdp.linux.it
Unrecognized command
sanet(config-node-target)# parameter email fero@pdp.linux.it
sanet(config-node-target)# parameter upemail fero@pdp.linux.it
Notice: sync www.labs.it
Notice: sync www.labs.it

sanet(config)# sh targets path www.labs.it:::tcpport
PATH                : www.labs.it:::tcpport

EMAIL               : fero@pdp.linux.it
UPEMAIL             : fero@pdp.linux.it

To learn the basics of how to setup the monitoring of a Microsft Windows node step ahed in Part 3: Monitoring and customizing controls for your first Microsoft Windows node.